modern world, smartphones play a significant role in our
lifeFix the agreement mistake
show examples
. Numerous
of Change preposition
show examples
children use their mobile phones way
toReplace the word
show examples
much. In
iChange the capitalization
show examples
will explain several factors that contribute to
phenomenon and examine the reasons behind
negative development.
There are two underlying causes why kids spend a lot of time with
gadgetFix the agreement mistake
show examples
, they feel helped by
thriveChange the verb form
show examples
technology. As we know, we are entering the
era where
wasWrong verb form
show examples
digitalized and children that born in
generation are exposed
byChange preposition
show examples
, resulting
mobileChange preposition
show examples
phoneFix the agreement mistake
show examples
becomeWrong verb form
show examples
something they cannot let go of.
addictedReplace the word
show examples
oneAdd a missing verb
show examples
of the reasons. Lately, there are many apps designed to make the users
to Change the verb form
show examples
stay for a long time which includes
personalizeWrong verb form
show examples
features, gamification, or customization themes. These may lead to dependency for keep playing
those cellphoneChange the determiner
that cellphone
those cellphones
show examples
spendWrong verb form
show examples
hours on smartphones may give two main drawbacks.
, it
createChange the verb form
show examples
kids with
lackCorrect article usage
show examples
of socialization ability.
effect could
happensChange the verb form
show examples
because they are not used to having a conversation with others on many occasions.
, they
Add a missing verb
show examples
inclineReplace the word
show examples
to not have friends.
, children are
aChange the article
show examples
innocent human being and really easy to get
badChange the word
show examples
, kids could easily
gotChange the verb form
show examples
access to pornography content or illegal
websiteFix the agreement mistake
show examples
which possibly
leadingWrong verb form
show examples
them to have bad behavior.
In conclusion,
are Unnecessary verb
show examples
use smartphones with irresponsible time management because of how helpful technology
wasWrong verb form
show examples
the possibility that they are addicted.
ledChange the verb form
show examples
demeritChange the noun form
show examples
as socialization
issueFix the agreement mistake
show examples
and shabby etiquette.