It has been noticed that many educational institutions in different parts of the world are having some issues with the pupil's
behaviorChange the spelling
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. There are many reasons behind
behaviorChange the spelling
show examples
of school learners in which, the lack of parenting and uncontrolled
spendingReplace the word
show examples
on games are on top. In
comingCorrect article usage
show examples
I will discuss the issues briefly with some solutions.
First and foremost, the lack of manners in scholars is because
been Verb problem
show examples
less focused by the
on their children. In
modern era, many
of Change preposition
show examples
motherFix the agreement mistake
show examples
and fathers
are havingWrong verb form
show examples
scheduleFix the agreement mistake
show examples
that they are not giving enough quality
of Change preposition
show examples
to their children which is causing stress,
Correct word choice
show examples
useCorrect article usage
show examples
gadgets is
onChange preposition
show examples
peakCorrect pronoun usage
show examples
, as young youth
spendingWrong verb form
show examples
too much
on Change preposition
show examples
playing video games and using other social media like
TiktokCorrect your spelling
show examples
and Instagram applications.
, living away from
for studies is
one reason for bad behaviour in students.
, many
send their children to other countries or
inChange preposition
show examples
hostels which
causeCorrect subject-verb agreement
show examples
and depression
Correct word choice
show examples
makeCorrect subject-verb agreement
show examples
. These problems can be solved
,Remove the comma
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rightCorrect article usage
show examples
steps should be taken on
To sort out
thisCorrect determiner usage
show examples
Add an article
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parentFix the agreement mistake
show examples
should take steps and get some free
kidsCorrect pronoun usage
show examples
making them feel special,
listeningAdd the preposition
show examples
their problems ,
helpingCorrect word choice
show examples
them in
studyAdd an article
show examples
can make big changes. Apart from spending
Add an article
show examples
it is
parentsChange noun form
show examples
duty to limit the
spendingReplace the word
show examples
on games and other websites. Adding more to
, there should be
ageAdd an article
show examples
limit for going outside of the country or
inChange preposition
show examples
for higher
educationsFix the agreement mistake
show examples
, because age under 16-18 is
veryCorrect article usage
show examples
soft age. So
there are many solutions which can be taken to combat
In conclusion, it
itCorrect your spelling
show examples
true that
behaviourCorrect article usage
show examples
of decents is
or schools
becauseChange preposition
show examples
many reasons which are already discussed in the paragraphs.
kindFix the agreement mistake
show examples
of problems can be handled with some sort of
solutionsFix the agreement mistake
show examples