the graph below shows the proportion of four different materials that was recycled from 1982 to 210 in the particular nation

the graph below shows the proportion of four different materials that was recycled from 1982 to 210 in the particular nation
The given chart illustrates the percentage of four specific recycled materials between 1982 and 2010 in a particular nation.
, it can be seen that glass containers,
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cans, and plastics experienced an upward trend
paper and containers decreased.
, despite some fluctuations, paper and cardboard still maintained the highest position at the of the timeframe. Looking at the chart, it can be evident that paper and cardboard began at around 65%, which was the highest proportion of the four materials at the beginning, before witnessing an upward fluctuation until it reached a peak at 80% in 1994.
it went down slowly to 70% in 2010.
By contrast
, glass containers dropped rapidly to 40% in 1990 from 50% in 1982, but
went up to 60% in the end. With regards to the remaining data, the recycling rate of
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cans was first recorded in 1986 at approximately 5% and rose noticeably to nearly 45%.
, plastics first appeared in 1990 at the lowest rates of four packaging items roughly 2%. After that, it showed a steady climb to 6% in 2002 and ended at about 8%.
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