The table illustrates how the time UK unemployed was spent,
year. There are several activities in the rows and in the columns are shown periods in the day like morning and Linking Words
, grouped by gender.
Use synonyms
, most men spent their time looking for a job (22%) in the morning and watching TV (14%) in the Linking Words
. For women, the majority spent the day with housework, whether in the morning (49%) or in the Use synonyms
The 3 most popular activities for both sexes, in the morning, are job hunting, shopping, and housework. There are some changes in the Use synonyms
. On one hand, men preferred watching TV, gardening, and looking for employment. Use synonyms
On the other hand
, women preferred visiting friends or relatives, searching for Linking Words
, and doing housework.
Some tasks like playing sports and staying in bed were reported only by men in both periods. Women reported these activities just in the morning.Correct your spelling
a job