People with greater job stability are more satisfied with their jobs than those who frequently change their employment. Do you agree or disagree?

Allegedly, job satisfaction is given significant attention among people. Many individuals argue that when employees have
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, they are more satisfied than workers who want to change their careers frequently. I totally agree job
is one of the most important issues in our professional lives, and we should prevent from being unstable in our occupations. To commence, As far as I am concerned, workers should find appropriate careers that
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to their education, and their personalities. In effect, before searching and choosing an occupation, citizens should consider their behaviours, and their knowledge because one of the important key roles in our careers is
For instance
, in many cases,
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residents might earn
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high salaries
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for the reasons that they attempt to work diligently, enhance their discipline, and
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in brain-storming sessions.
As a consequence
and productivity can encourage managers to enhance their revenues.
, individuals can improve their position in companies in order to their strong backgrounds and their
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, and after a
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they will be more satisfied.
On the other hand
, changing our occupations frequently can be destructive for our future positions. As far as I am concerned, resumes play a pivotal role in our professional lives in order to principals companies strive to find high-quality employees. As a matter of fact, authorities should focus on unstable workers, and improve their efficiency.
For instance
, governments can organize extra-curricular activities, and encourage employees to participate.
As a result
, administration can enhance the sense of discipline,
, and professionalism in their unstable co-workers.
, governments not only can enhance the results of companies, but their actions can
improve employment
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. In conclusion, if people
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to enhance their satisfaction in their lives, they should enrich their
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and efficiency in their jobs, to earn
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high revenues
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. In fact, in today's world, stable occupations and budgets can solve any problem, and make us happier.
Submitted by Pegahghaderi85 on

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Ensure a clear introduction and conclusion that briefly outline and summarize your main points respectively. Your introduction should directly address the question, stating your position clearly. Conclude by summarizing how your body paragraphs support your stance.
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Structure your essay into clear paragraphs, each discussing a distinct main idea. Use topic sentences at the beginning of each paragraph to introduce the main idea, followed by supporting sentences with specific details or examples.
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Use a variety of sentence structures and transitions to link ideas within and across paragraphs smoothly. This enhances readability and helps convey your arguments more effectively.
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Provide more detailed, real-life examples to support your points. This strengthens your argument and demonstrates a deeper understanding of the topic. Ensure these examples directly support your position on the statement.
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Avoid vague language and generalizations. Be specific in your arguments and examples, ensuring that every paragraph contributes directly to supporting your answer to the essay question. This will improve the clarity of your ideas.
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