The availability of forms of entertainment such as video games on handheld devices is harmful to individuals and the society in which they live. Do you agree and disagree?

The ubiquity of
games is undeniable, especially in the form of handheld
, it has sparked heated controversies many people claim that
kind of entertainment can harm individuals and the society in which they live. From my perspective, I agree with some reasons below. On the one hand, when people have to solve many tasks in school or the workplace, they are under pressure.
, using
games on handheld
is inevitable and we can balance our lives between entertainment and work. We can control the time we spend on
which does not bring negative impacts on health.
In addition
, these
are portable in order to bring through travelling or camping which is convenient for households. These
may be a funny and versatile game for
Fix the agreement mistake
show examples
, it
brings detrimental parts to our daily lives.
we can see apparently the eye problems it leads to
as Myopia, red eyes,...
due to
its handy size and portability. If we are addicted to these
, we easily get long-term health issues and sedentary lifestyles.
As a consequence
, being unable to concentrate on work may occur, which includes deprivation, stress, mood disorder,...
, the mass production of these
game handheld
has demerit points in the environment. In detail, plastics and batteries in these cutting-edge
are hard to degradable in a short period and release into the environment an amount of toxic air pollutants if we try to burn them to get a higher degradable process.
As a result
, humans are the culprits, and
the victims. In conclusion, even though these gadgets are versatile for our daily lives
due to
their convenience and modernity. I am of the opinion that
game handheld
bring more drawbacks because of their bad effects on health and the environment .
Submitted by okookk123456 on

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Linking words for giving examples:

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  • such as
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