Imagine you decide to study at a high school institution and encounter a dilemma to live alone or continue to enjoy a careless domestic
essay reveals the pros and cons of living separately from relatives and sharing a house with
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. In my personal view living in a dormitory or rented flat develops youngsters’ self-sufficiency and decision-making
, being far from neglecting the advantages of
living, I would like to bring outcomes of the positive impact of separate living on
found in the scope of my scientific research.
who continue to live at
during their studies, the major advantage is that they are almost free from domestic routines.
, there is no necessity cooking meals or laundry and
, there is more time for study and self-development.
, the supportive attitude of parents leads to the absence of thinking about leaving. Because of the friendly
are tuned to success.
, excessive concern may develop negative habits like laziness and lack of motivation. The well-known psychological experiment “Universe - 25” demonstrated the collapse of the mice family
artificially eliminating any possible problems that they meet in their ordinary
. These heavenly conditions were finalized by the complete disappearance of all mouses.
The main advantage for
choosing to find accommodation at their college or ranting flats is that independent living develops
as self-sufficiency and decision-making
. Comparatively
a dormitory
to be self-care and incorporate into their schedule
duties as cleaning, cooking, and family obligations that were previously done by parents. By combining study and daily routines
overcome all difficulties of
’ challenging time.
, drawbacks of individual living
as overcoming financial scarcities, budgeting, and adapting to homesickness develop
. Our research designed to specify the impact of accommodation on
demonstrated the highest rate of
in the first group of
who were renting flats. Dormitory residents and
living at
demonstrated lower results compared to the first group.
In conclusion, we would like to admit that there is nothing wrong with using
advantages if it diminishes obstacles and helps to fully concentrate on studies.
, an independent
despite on more difficult
agenda consists of more advantages to being ready for social
, boosting self-sufficiency, and obtaining highly demanded