Children’s acting nowadays is negatively influenced by TV programs with a lot of scenes connected with physical harm.
essay will agree with itLinking Words
because the bullying players show seems interesting to act the same way and the aggressive thinking of youth gains popularity among them.
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, kids usually find it funny to bully the weak ones as actors do Linking Words
on TV. Mostly, they think that being a bad boy or girl is cool and want to copy the moments from the plot. To illustrate, it is real, that characters do awkward things to bring the attention of the audience like laughing at somebody's legs and Correct pronoun usage
hitting his legs and making him fall. Children find it hilarious Linking Words
, they forget to stop doing it in real life.
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, the minds of youngsters are very flexible, and by watching Linking Words
pieces fight their heads become full of toxic thoughts. It is important to mention, that babies totally repeat what they see. Linking Words
For example
, my niece used to watch action movies with her dad, and the only things that she discussed were blood, thieves and guns. I think, that soap operas, cartoons and shows with a drop of violence make children to be angry.
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To conclude
, Linking Words
is a real-life example of how the content that kids observe every day affects their minds and behaviour aggressively and makes them involved in resembling their heroes.Linking Words