The graph provides statistics about the association between age groups and crime ratios and the pie chart gives data about the common types of wrongdoing in the UK
year. Units are measured in tens of thousands for the first and percentages for the latter.
Looking from an Linking Words
perspective, it is readily apparent that the highest rates could be seen among adolescents, Linking Words
the most common kind of violation was related to violence.
Moving to a more detailed analysis, for the first 8 years of the people's life spans, the number of Linking Words
remained at 0, before starting to increase gradually from 8 to 12. From the age range of 12 to 20, the figure experienced a dramatic rise from approximately 7 to exactly 80, and Fix the agreement mistake
, witnessed a fourfold decrease from 80 to 20. In the adult stage of individuals' lives, the ratio of law violations fell back slowly to 5.
In terms of certain types of lawlessness in the country, violent crimes accounted for roughly half of all the violations, Linking Words
property and drug showed two times lower numbers than violence-related crimes at almost 25%, followed by the lowest proportion at 9 % for the public order type.Linking Words