In the present
system, some
contendedWrong verb form
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that examination is
over emphasizedAdd a hyphen
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, and it leads to an excessive amount of
pressuresFix the agreement mistake
show examples
on both teachers and
. In my point of view, I
acknowledgesChange the verb form
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the benefits of
testingsFix the agreement mistake
show examples
, but I do believe there are
fairAdd an article
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amount of drawbacks, and I will be
issue provided with my own opinion below.
On the one hand, it is hard for
to understand the
, so it is not likely to create a
whichChange preposition
show examples
they study spontaneously. The testing itself serves as
aCorrect article usage
show examples
intimidation to ensure
to Fix the infinitive
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learn properly.
are pushed to study
for Change preposition
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all subjects, not only the ones they are interested in. A comprehensive range of
can help
the Correct article usage
show examples
society build well-rounded individuals.
, the stress of confronting
with Change preposition
show examples
the tests can
seen as
aChange the article
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of practicingChange preposition
show examples
stress tolerance in a controlled environment.
, the testings are
over emphasizedAdd a hyphen
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nowadays. it comes to the extent
whichChange preposition
show examples
are overwhelmed by the excessive loads in preparing
examsChange preposition
show examples
and the fear of failing exams.
can develop a distorted view by
self-value based on
examineReplace the word
show examples
results. Other than that, the process of testing is time-consuming. Not only the
are spending plenty of
timesFix the agreement mistake
show examples
reviewing materials, but
the educators are dedicating
timesFix the agreement mistake
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forChange preposition
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organizing testing
contentsFix the agreement mistake
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potentialChange the adjective
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limit the time for offering other
contentsFix the agreement mistake
show examples
and teachings in more flexible ways.
In my opinion, It is important to acknowledge the role tests play in the
,Remove the comma
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and to not
over relyAdd a hyphen
show examples
on it.
Change the verb form
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are aimChange the verb form
show examples
to improve the
of learning, and
be trained to equip with stress
endure Verb problem
show examples
abilities through the process. On the other side, testing nowadays
areVerb problem
show examples
been given too much
attentionsFix the agreement mistake
show examples
, and is creating drawbacks. Teachers and
are wasting pointless
timesFix the agreement mistake
show examples
on preparing and
occupiedWrong verb form
show examples
timesFix the agreement mistake
show examples
for more valuable teachings.