modern world, a large number of people believe that metropolitan
cityFix the agreement mistake
show examples
isVerb problem
show examples
become the best place for
growthCorrect article usage
show examples
theirChange preposition
show examples
, others consider the
to be a more suitable choice, in my perspective I agree that
townCorrect article usage
show examples
betterAdd an article
show examples
place for
childrenChange noun form
show examples
A longCorrect your spelling
show examples
essay I am going to
discussedChange the verb
show examples
both views and give several
reasonChange to a plural noun
show examples
fromChange preposition
show examples
my argument.
First of all, in my point of view
as Correct word choice
show examples
by far
metropolitanCorrect article usage
show examples
area is the best circumstance
toChange preposition
show examples
a Correct the article-noun agreement
show examples
almost all
of Change preposition
show examples
bigAdd an article
show examples
has complete public
as those
isCorrect subject-verb agreement
show examples
really crucial
partFix the agreement mistake
show examples
to Change preposition
show examples
growthAdd an article
show examples
, in my country especially in Jakarta
highCorrect word choice
show examples
rank than
other provinceChange the wording
another province
other provinces
show examples
, it
happenChange the verb form
show examples
because Jakarta has complete
it is assist pupils gain great
quality and
thereCorrect pronoun usage
show examples
public transportsation it is
reallyAdd an article
show examples
important thing to
, parents who are live in urban
mostly more aware
howChange preposition
show examples
for their
eventually they will give the best facility and best treatment for
growthCorrect article usage
show examples
Change preposition
show examples
theCorrect article usage
show examples
bright future in
changeWrong verb form
show examples
the Correct article usage
show examples
InChange preposition
show examples
the other hand, several people trust that
countrysideCorrect article usage
show examples
suitableAdd an article
show examples
place for
, I am not really sure
withChange preposition
show examples
because based on my experience almost all of
countrysideAdd an article
show examples
doCorrect subject-verb agreement
show examples
not have great public
, it will be
bitAdd an article
show examples
problem for
growthAdd an article
show examples
because they can not gain great
, and it
is Unnecessary verb
show examples
harmsWrong verb form
show examples
childrenChange noun form
show examples
development as
theCorrect article usage
show examples
result students in
countrysideAdd an article
show examples
has low rank
than pupils who are take study in
Correct article usage
show examples
advanceReplace the word
show examples
, parents who
are Verb problem
show examples
live in
Correct article usage
show examples
they Correct pronoun usage
show examples
can not give the best
facilityFix the agreement mistake
show examples
childrenChange noun form
show examples
In conclusion,
Correct article usage
show examples
advanceReplace the word
show examples
is becomeChange to the active voice
show examples
the best choice to assist
childrenChange noun form
show examples
development as
hasVerb problem
show examples
, the government have to
to enhance public
to be better.
, humans who
are Verb problem
show examples
live in remote
areCorrect your spelling
show examples
can gain great treatment.