the line graph show the number of closing and opening in specific nation from 2011 to 2018

the line graph show the number of closing and opening in specific nation from 2011 to 2018
The line graph delineates the nuanced trajectory of shop
within a specified nation from the years 2011 to 2018. Upon meticulous scrutiny, it becomes discernible that both
exhibited a discernible downward trend over the stipulated period. Remarkably, the prevalence of closed shops consistently outstripped the count of
, save for the anomalous instances in 2011 and 2015. In terms of shop
, a zenith was reached in 2013, with
peaking at approximately 7,100, marking a progressive escalation from the approximate count of 6,500 in 2011.
, notable fluctuations ensued in subsequent years, with
plummeting to just over 600 in 2015, before undergoing a gradual resurgence to around 5,100 by the culmination of the period.
In contrast
, the data pertaining to shop
commenced at a robust figure of nearly 8,500 in 2011, only to undergo a steady decrement to approximately 4,000 in 2012.
, a resurgence was witnessed in 2014, manifesting in
escalating to 6,200, albeit followed by a subsequent decline to 3,000 by the terminus of the timeframe.
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Vocabulary: Replace the words closures, openings with synonyms.
Vocabulary: The word "approximately" was used 2 times.
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