Today our communications ,medical and transport systems all depend on computer technology . Our reliance on computer technology inthese has created a dengerous situation

Nowadays our communication, medicine and transport systems are all
according to
desktop computer machinery. Our dependence on data processor automation in these spheres has made unsafe situations.
gadgets help us improve our vital condition and make our lives more comfortable. Despite
, it may have some negative effects on our minds and health. In the 21st century automation has entered the lives of a large number of the public. Gadgets help us accelerate wore at the same time keeping quality, or society can use some types of transport in a job that they do not have enough strength.
For instance
, women use washing machines in order to speed up the work process.
washing machine washes clothes better than crowds, and builders need excavators in the construction of buildings because they do not have enough strength to lift some heavy things. To make life easier and more convenient, the population should employ techniques. Society should not apply personal computer machinery a lot, it may have some negative effects on human health or on the development of the brain. When many public sit on their phones a lot of the time their eyesight gets worse.
For example
, kids who play computer games the whole day are diagnosed as very nervous ,
, they have less appetite in the USA. The solution to
was to limit the amount of playing time. In conclusion, humans should employ data processor technology to make their lives more comfortable and improve vital conditions.
, the population should help mobile phones in limit for their benefit
Submitted by makemoneyizzy16 on

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Enhance sentence structures and vocabulary to make the writing more fluid and engaging.
Expand on the examples provided with more details and explanations.
Maintain a clear and consistent argument throughout the essay to strengthen coherence.
The essay addresses the topic and presents a balanced view of the positive and negative effects of reliance on computer technology.
The examples used, such as washing machines and excavators, are relevant and serve to illustrate the points made.
The conclusion effectively summarizes the main arguments and provides a clear standpoint.
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