Some people think that young people should follow older people's examples. Others believe it is quite natural for teenagers to challenge what old people say. Describe both point of views. Give your opinion with reasons and relevant examples.

Respecting the elders is universally agreed as a virtue,
, nowadays it is believed that young
should challenge some old concepts which are outdated. I partially agree with both ideas.
essay will first look at the arguments for respecting
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before turning to those
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against them
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. There is an old Chinese saying, "The elder is the treasure in a family." With the rich experience from life, the senior is a mirror of the young generation.
can refer to their ancestors'
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learn from the lessons of
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For instance
, without examples from the elders, some traditional skills may be lost. Older
's examples often come from a place of experience and wisdom, and following them can help young
avoid common pitfalls in life.
On the other hand
, with the starling pace of changes in the current era, many old norms and traditions are considered conservative or even
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to be unscientific. To cite just one example, in some Asian countries, old
tend to prefer boys to girls because they believe boys can carry on the bloodline inheritance and shoulder more responsibilities.
, with an open mind and a
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living in the modern age,
should advocate for sexual equality. With the progress of society, some opposition voices can
become a driving force of societal development.
To conclude
, we should respect some societal norms and values established by the
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generations that can provide a strong moral compass for the youth, meanwhile,
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challenging older
's outdated views can encourage critical thinking and personal growth.
Submitted by carriexue23 on

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clear comprehensive ideas
Ensure clarity in sentences by avoiding minor grammatical issues, such as 'scucess' which should be 'success,' and 'starling' which should be 'startling.'
supported main points
Consider elaborating more on each main point to provide a deeper exploration of the arguments for and against following elders' examples.
logical structure
Enhance the cohesiveness by using more transitional phrases to ensure smoother flow between sentences and paragraphs.
introduction conclusion present
The essay has an effective introduction and conclusion, clearly presenting the topic and summarizing the viewpoints.
logical structure
Good logical progression of ideas from the introduction through to the conclusion.
relevant specific examples
Relevant specific examples are provided to illustrate the points made, such as the reference to practices in Asian countries regarding gender preferences.

Use cohesive linking words accurately and appropriately

Linking words are very important in your essay.

To score effectively on your IELTS exam, you should make an effort to implement short concise sentences coupled with linking words.

Almost every sentence in your essay should have a linking word of some sort.

In fact, the only sentences that can omit linking words are your background sentence and thesis.

Linking word examples:

  • firstly
  • secondly
  • thirdly
  • in additional
  • moreover
  • also
  • for example
  • for instance
  • therefore
  • however
  • although
  • even though
  • despite

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Topic Vocabulary:
  • experience and wisdom
  • societal norms
  • moral compass
  • stability and respect
  • outdated methods
  • forge new paths
  • critical thinking
  • personal growth
  • develop beliefs and ideologies
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