Some people believe that it is best to accept a bad situation, such as an unsatisfactory job or shortages of money. Others argue that it is better to try and improve such situations. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.

One point of view supports that if some issues happen in our lives,
as not having enough money or not enjoying the place of work, we should not do anything and should just accept it,
others say that we need to handle everything and try our best to solve them.
essay will argue that
it seems to us that it is not impossible to control unexpected or bad situations, I strongly agree that the best decision is to do your best to solve the problem. On the one hand, there might be several life issues and it might be impossible to react to them positively. Unfortunately, we see the only action - to do nothing to solve it, accept the
and continue our lives.
, we think that nothing can change our
and it is too late to try and improve it.
For instance
, in Kazakhstan, a lot of high school students choose their future professions and universities
due to
government scholarships, which allow them to study for free. Thereby, after entering the universities, they discover that they made a wrong decision, because of choosing inappropriate professions for themselves.
As a result
, they do nothing to solve their
and 60% of the population do not work in their studied fields of education.
On the other hand
, the right decision, when a bad
happens, is to try your best and hope that it will be solved.
In other words
, people face problems only when they can fix it. We should take the
as a life lesson and if we learn it,
kind of issue will never happen.
For example
, people who practice religion, like Islam can prove that every problem is given to get a benefit from it. In conclusion, it is argued that bad issues in peoples’ lives should be accepted,
others feel that they need to try handling everything and find a solution. I strongly agree with
statement and think that there is no bad
which we can not cope with.
Submitted by kalelkkhana on

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task achievement
While your task response is strong because you effectively discuss both views and present your own opinion, your main points can be further developed with more specific and diverse examples.
coherence cohesion
Strengthen the coherence and cohesion by ensuring that each paragraph smoothly leads into the next. Additionally, more linking phrases can help in maintaining the logical flow between sentences and paragraphs.
task achievement
Your essay addresses both views on the topic very well, providing a clear opinion in your own perspective.
coherence cohesion
The introduction and conclusion are well-presented, effectively framing your arguments.
Topic Vocabulary:
  • pragmatic approach
  • mental peace
  • stoic attitude
  • proactive measures
  • personal growth
  • financial management
  • sense of accomplishment
  • resignation
  • helplessness
  • stress and burnout
  • fatalism
  • collective well-being
  • self-determination
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