Many things can influence the academic achievement and emotional growth of a student. In this regard, peers have more of an impact than teachers do. To what extend do you agree or disagree with this opinion?

It's a common belief that a student's school performance and emotional development are influenced more by teachers than by classmates.
, I firmly believe that friends are more influential because they are motivated academically by their peers and become more mature by socializing with them. Pupils are motivated by competing with their fellow classmates.
In other words
, peer pressure can influence behaviour positively or negatively. In the context of competition, it can drive individuals to strive for success to avoid being perceived as inferior by their cohort.
For instance
, the friendly rivalry among them motivates each other to conduct thorough research, create impressive presentations, and showcase innovative ideas, fostering a high level of engagement and enthusiasm for learning, resulting in a successful and rewarding science fair for all involved.
, socializing at school allows teenagers to grow emotionally through cultivating relationships with contemporaries.
In addition
, it helps them experience a range of emotions and learn how to manage effectively and express their feelings, understand the emotions of others, and regulate their own responses in different social situations.
For example
, in a group activity, a child accidentally spills paint on another, feeling upset but expressing their frustration calmly. The other ones reassure and offer to help, allowing him or her to learn emotional management and appreciate their empathy.
To conclude
, classmates play a crucial role in shaping a student's academic achievement and emotional growth by providing socialization, peer support, collaborative learning opportunities, diverse perspectives, emotional support, and feedback. Building positive relationships with them can enhance the educational experience and contribute to holistic
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Submitted by gautopsoi368 on

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task achievement
The essay provides a thoughtful and relevant response to the task with a clear position. However, further elaboration on the argument and additional examples could enhance the depth of the content.
coherence cohesion
Logical flow is mostly maintained, but transitioning between points can be improved for smoother readability. Consider using transitional phrases to link ideas more effectively.
The essay clearly presents an introduction and conclusion that encapsulate the main argument effectively.
Relevant and specific examples are used to support the main points, thereby strengthening the argument.
Topic Vocabulary:
  • academic achievement
  • emotional growth
  • peers
  • impact
  • role models
  • social support
  • motivate
  • strive
  • collaborative learning environment
  • share resources
  • provide explanations
  • self-esteem
  • peer pressure
  • bullying
  • emotional difficulties
  • social dynamics
  • educational environment
  • expertise
  • personal influence
  • daily attitudes and behaviors
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