The growth of multinational companies and the resulting rise of globalization creates positive effects for all. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

In contemporary times, one school of thought holds that the development of international corporations and
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value of globalization brings beneficial value for all works of life.
I accept
perception is somewhat justified, I believe that phenomenon
causes some drawbacks to that notion. On the one hand, it is understandable why global firms and globalization contribute to the development of nations. First and foremost, it could enhance the living standards of those nations. In fact, global corporations are likely to have huge revenues,
, they could contribute to that nation by paying taxes.
As a result
, the governments could improve public infrastructure, social services, and welfare
as well as
pass some laws to support ordinary citizens, especially the underprivileged.
, the trend of globalization and multinational cooperation could improve the economics of underdeveloped and developing countries.
For example
, poorer countries could receive investments from international funding and global organizations, thereby creating numerous jobs through expanding business,
as building manufacturing plants, establishing
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branches, or even sharing core technologies.
On the other hand
, there are a host of compelling reasons why I am convinced that a rise in worldwide cooperation and companies might cause some great disadvantages to certain extents. One rationale is that several cultural customs could be extinct. To be more specific, without protection from governing bodies, local cultures could be eliminated by multinational ones, which not only could lead to diminishing ethnic diversity but
weakening social stabilization because of differences in cultures. Another justification is that
trend could harm smaller businesses.
For instance
, an increase in the number of business empires with abundant financial sources,
as Samsung, Apple, or Microsoft means that other start-up companies more struggle to survive and develop. Needless to say, those international firms could manipulate the price and market, or even control the whole country in the worst scenario. In conclusion,
it is irrefutable that international integration and global corporations play a crucial role in various aspects of the world, I would contend that
has serious demerits that the authorities should take into consideration.
Submitted by khoihoangtrong96 on

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