Nowadays, more and more children play computer games. Why do you think this is the case? Is it a positive or negative development?

Nowadays, in a world where technology each year gains more attention, the number of children playing video
significantly rises too.
is because
provide children
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with an
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escape and an opportunity to relax,
, I believe
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youngsters' lives by contributing to the growth in their procrastination which leads to possible degradation. Many teenagers choose to spend their days playing video
because of what they offer: an escape.
are capable of immersing a player in the plot for days, or months even,
, a lot of people prefer a virtual world, rather than a real one.
way people can actively avoid all outside obligations, and worries, and lead a completely different life.
According to
research, that was done among gamers, these days, there is an increasing number of cases where active players lose touch with reality,
, they are ready to spend all their savings on virtual purchases.
, I think computer
are a danger to society
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can bring a person to degradation.
some people can balance between their life and time spent playing, others find it challenging and in the end, prefer to engage in the latter more.
, the level of procrastination starts to rise and other matters outside a virtual reality lose their significance, which affects a person's intelligence capabilities.
For instance
, nowadays many teenagers prefer to stay up all night playing computer
, and
as a result
, the next morning they struggle to comprehend any material during school hours.
, they later can not complete their homework because of the lack of sleep which deprives them
to understand
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of understanding
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the material that was taught in school. In conclusion, a lot of children prefer engaging in computer
because they offer a reprieve from the world and relax them,
, I disagree that it can not negatively influence one's lifestyle, being as the person has a risk of losing touch with reality and the abilities to think rationally.
Submitted by katenok200312 on

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