You found a job opportunity in a foreign country. Write a letter to your friend who knows about the country. In your letter explain your situation describe your problems tell him/her when you will be starting the job

Dear Jennie, How are you doing? Do you remember that we worked on my LinkedIn profile as I may find my
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occupation? I can't thank you enough because I have been selected for the job. Guess what! It is in Paris, France. I got so nervous discovering that I have to move to France and remote working is not available for
specific position. But
I remembered that you used to live there for 5 years when you were
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a student
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at university. So, I think I need your help again. First of all, I am so concerned about my accommodation because I have been told to arrange it by myself. I have no information about appropriate states for living, rental
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, rules and regulations, etc. Could you give me more information about these details? My next concern is the language. You know that I can speak both Spanish and English, but I have no knowledge
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French. I've heard that French people are not kind to those who don't speak French. Is that right? May I start learning
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the French
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language? I'm
worried about my arrival day. The company has booked a flight for me and there is no chance for a change or reschedule. The problem is
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how I can arrange accommodation for the first week. Do you agree with Airbnb or have any other
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? I am so grateful for having a friend like you, Waiting for your reply, Regards, Maria
Submitted by mojgan.sobhani on

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Logical Structure
Your letter is clear and easy to follow, but try to ensure each paragraph focuses on a single idea to increase clarity.
Complete Response
Include a brief conclusion summarizing your key points or next steps to make your letter more effective.
Greeting and Closing
Great greeting and closing sections that make your letter friendly and engaging.
Suitable Writing Tone
You maintained a suitable and friendly writing tone throughout the letter.
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