some people think the government should invest money in teaching science than other subjects in order to for a country to develop and progress. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Individuals argue that
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authority should distribute money in scientific courses rather than other subjects so that development can be seen. I firmly agree with
statement, and I will explain several reasons.
benefits the economy through businesses based on innovation.
means scientific improvement
as power utilization improvement boosts technology innovation.
For example
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the Industrial
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Revolution allowed Britain to become a superpower in the world
due to
the innovation of the steam machine. If there is no scientific progress, there are not so many innovations. When televisions were invented by an American, the USA not only became a country which was free in information exchange but
the only one which has a TV program industry.
In addition
lessons need more funds than other subjects.
lessons need more money rather than literature courses because the former
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theory through experiments.
means essential development in theory is based on numerous scientific research, which not only
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on salary for researchers but
spend money on experiments. These tests need to be operated by using materials which are usually expensive.
For example
, chemicals are needed in chemistry classes, some of which are rare. As chemistry, physics and other advanced subjects are prepared, some wealthier countries build spaceships for the reason of exploring the cosmic. In conclusion, I strongly believe scientific classes are the base of
progress, and the funds from
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should be lean on
As a result
, there are more innovative industries will be introduced and more knowledge will be obtained, which ensures the development of a country.
Submitted by shaobo.xu on

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Topic Vocabulary:
  • innovation
  • economic growth
  • holistic development
  • technological advancements
  • critical thinking
  • cultural awareness
  • sustainable development
  • return on investment (ROI)
  • global competitiveness
  • job market
  • equitable education
  • funding allocation
  • curriculum balance
  • civic responsibilities
  • interdisciplinary approach
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