Air traffic is increasingly leading to more noise, air polution and airport construction. One reason for this is the growth in low-cost passenger flights, often to holiday destinations. Some people say that governments should try to reduce air traffic by taxing it more heavily. Do you agree or disagree?

The development of aircraft industries raises some problems for the environment
for example
and sound pollution, and
increasing demand for airport buildings. Low-cost carrier aircraft are one of the reasons for the
's growth. Some people think the government's taxes could lower
, and I agree with it. In
essay, I will write some reasons that support my argument.
, higher taxes will increase the country’s revenue.
, the authority can use the money to expand transportation infrastructure. So, the citizens could use various transportation with excellent facilities. Other than that, the tax money
can be used for environmental conservation programs
as reforestation, water conservation, and building sustainable agriculture.
, charging a higher tax rate on the aviation
will give environmental benefits. If the flight companies are not willing to pay and the
is reduced, the noise pollution will be reduced. The
decreases so people can breathe clean
that will maintain their health. Other than that, the demand for airport projects will shrink and no need to cut trees for construction. In conclusion, tax money
that is
charged by the aviation
can be used for many activities that will give many benefits to the environment and humankind in general. Even though, the decline in
may have an economic impact, especially on the aviation
and tourism industries. That will become the government's task to create an excellent policy that will be a win-win solution for all parties.
Submitted by cracko.eko on

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relevant specific examples
Try to include more specific examples or figures to add depth and relevance to your points.
supported main points
Consider addressing possible counterarguments to strengthen and balance your essay even further.
logical structure
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introduction conclusion present
Both an introduction and conclusion are present, effectively framing the essay.
clear comprehensive ideas
The essay responds to the task completely with clear and comprehensive ideas.
Topic Vocabulary:
  • air traffic
  • noise pollution
  • air pollution
  • airport construction
  • low-cost passenger flights
  • holiday destinations
  • taxing
  • economic impact
  • ticket prices
  • tourism
  • business travel
  • environmental benefits
  • social implications
  • budget airlines
  • government revenue
  • sustainable transportation
  • environmental conservation
  • alternative solutions
  • high-speed rail networks
  • virtual meetings
  • fuel-efficient aircraft
  • global impact
  • competitive disadvantage
  • international relations
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