Many offenders commit more crimes after serving the first sentence. Why is this happening and what measures can be taken to tackle this problem ?

In today's modern era, it has been said that criminals would engage in more wrongdoings after their first sentence. In
essay, I will suggest that social learning and being brave cause
phenomenon and
argue that the best solutions are an encouragement to
Replace the word
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Replace the word
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and strengthen the negative impacts of jails. First of all,
according to
Correct your spelling
social learning
show examples
people learn from each other's experiences and become fearless regarding various dangers. If individuals live in a prison they could learn tricks, which did not know in the past. In
due to
increase of the knowledge, they would not
Wrong verb form
be frightened
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Change preposition
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protection tools including thief alarms.
, the consequences of their actions are the least factor, which could influence their attitude.
For example
, a robber who is an expert in bags and pockets could learn how to unlock doors and steal expensive equipment. A possible solution to
problem would be to
Correct your spelling
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modifications and spread the drawbacks of criminal history. During
Change noun form
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time, culprits should
Wrong verb form
be encouraged
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to change their behaviours in order to avoid negative backgrounds, which could endanger their future including employment.
, If the public considers criminal records as an unforgiven matter, there won't be any indifference regarding a bad reputation.
For instance
, the Time newspaper said that because of amendment programs in jails, there was a decrease in the number of prisoners in 2020. In conclusion, guilty people can learn different good and bad subjects
sentenced and forgetting the result of their actions. In
situation, prising to alterations can be an incentive for changes.
In addition
, corruption should not be ignored in society.
Submitted by [email protected] on

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coherence cohesion
The essay presents clear main points and supports them, but there are some grammatical errors that slightly hinder comprehension. Review your use of conjunctions and sentence structure for a smoother flow.
task achievement
Work on clarifying your ideas further. Some points are a bit ambiguous and could benefit from more elaboration. For example, explain how social learning leads to fearlessness in more detail.
task achievement
Provide more specific examples to strengthen your arguments. Instead of general statements, include more data or real-world examples to make your points more compelling.
coherence cohesion
The essay has a logical structure with a clear introduction, body paragraphs, and a conclusion.
task achievement
The main points are relevant to the prompt and provide a complete response to the task.
task achievement
You have identified two main causes of reoffending and suggested corresponding solutions, which is well done.

Answer the 'Problem and Solution' topic

Problem-and-solution essays fall naturally into two parts, the first describing and exploring the problem, the second setting out the solution or solutions.

You essay structure should look something like this:

  • Introduction
  • Body paragraph 1 – Problems
  • Body paragraph 2 – Solutions
  • Conclusion

Examples to start your body paragraph:

  • One of the first problems of the...
  • Another problem that needs to be considered...
  • A possible solution to this problem would be...
  • One immediate practical solution is to...

Discover more tips in The Ultimate Guide to Get a Target Band Score of 7+ »— a book that's free for 🚀 Premium users.

Topic Vocabulary:
  • rehabilitation programs
  • root causes
  • criminal behavior
  • education and vocational training
  • job opportunities
  • reintegration into society
  • stigma and discrimination
  • social support networks
  • psychological impact
  • post-release supervision
  • support services
  • criminal networks
  • recidivism
  • second chance
  • counseling
  • mentorship programs
  • community engagement
  • employment opportunities
  • social reintegration
  • preventive measures
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