Your friend is about to move into a new house. Write a letter to your friend. In your letter offer to help him/her to move explain how exactly you can help ask him/her some questions about the new house

Correct your spelling
Sarah, I am so glad that you
managed to buy your dream house. I heard you are going to move before summer so let me know if your plans change. I will be here until the end of June and I have got plenty of free time currently that already planned to spend with you . There is some
Change the word
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designed extremely protective and handy packaging for clothing within my mothers's house that I can borrow
Correct pronoun usage
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to use for you.
, since you never get by with screwers and
kind of utensils , I would take care of any assembling if needed. It would be awesome if you could tell me more in advance because I am so curious
Change preposition
about what
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all the architecture and materials look like. Back
you were interested in bohemian style but now I assume you would have gone for more modern style furniture , send me some photos when you are available. I cannot wait to see you and join to help you out. Love you, Narges
Submitted by Narges on

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coherence cohesion
While your letter is well-structured overall, try to ensure each paragraph addresses just one main idea. This will improve readability.
Be careful with minor grammatical errors, such as 'screwers' which should be 'screwdrivers'. These small mistakes can affect the clarity of your writing.
task response
You have addressed all the task points comprehensively, offering help, explaining how you can assist, and asking relevant questions about the new house.
task response
The tone of your letter is friendly and supportive, which suits the context well.
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