In the past, people used to travel abroad to look many differences from their home country. Nowadays, the sceneries in places all over the world are more and more similar. What are the causes of the similarities? Do you think the advantages of this similarity outweigh the disadvantages?

It is undeniable that folk are quite passionate about experiencing the different nations around the globe.
, previously folks travelled to different countries in order to see different things rather than their own place, but these days everything looks the same in the whole world.
essay will discuss the reasons behind these similarities and from my perspective,
trend possesses some drawbacks which are outweighed by its positive aspects.
To begin
with, there are several factors which bring similar things in all the countries .
, the advancement in modern technology makes it possible to share ideas all over, as the globe has become a global village, even the world of the internet is so gigantic
due to
which individuals can exchange their viewpoints with each other and all
due to
, one nation could easily follow the sculptures, sightseeing and, public buildings, so
is the main reason, why countries have a similar scenic view.
For instance
, Auckland City New Zealand and Toronto City Canada have a
constructed building which is named CN Tower in Toronto and Sky Tower in Auckland, but the only difference is their names.
, globalization has made it possible to construct the same monuments.
, the main disadvantages of the similarity are the lack of community interest and economic growth. If there is the same construction of renowned places all around the nation,
the crowd will certainly lose their interest in visiting these places and ultimately economic growth will be affected immensely. These days tourism is a booming industry which boosts the economy of the territory, but the idea of similarity will lead towards negative implications.
For instance
, there have been some recorded instances of communities who only choose unique places to travel to
of similar ones.
, the demerits are higher which could not be ignored.
To conclude
, it is true that there are no big differences among the nations around the world in terms of scenic beauty these days.
essay discussed the pivotal reasons for the change and
its enormous disadvantages.
Submitted by [email protected] on

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The essay is well-organized, but try to use more varied linking words to improve cohesion. For example, instead of 'firstly' and 'secondly', you could use 'to begin with' and 'in addition'.
introduction conclusion present
While the introduction and conclusion are generally effective, they can be made stronger by succinctly summarizing the main points in the conclusion. Make sure to clearly reiterate your stance.
complete response
To improve task response, delve deeper into the specific causes and weigh the advantages and disadvantages more comprehensively. This will ensure a more nuanced essay.
clear comprehensive ideas
The essay provides clear ideas, yet it can be more concise. Avoid redundancy for better clarity. For instance, 'in all the countries' could be 'globally'.
relevant specific examples
Try to incorporate more specific examples and data to strengthen your arguments. Instead of general statements, use statistics or more detailed case studies to enhance credibility.
logical structure
The essay has a clear and logical structure, making it easy for the reader to follow along with the writer's arguments.
introduction conclusion present
The introduction and conclusion effectively frame the essay, setting up the argument and wrapping it up neatly.
supported main points
Main points are well-supported with relevant examples, such as the comparison between Auckland and Toronto.
Topic Vocabulary:
  • globalization
  • urban planning
  • homogenous
  • social media
  • global culture
  • cultural diversity
  • multinational corporations
  • local identities
  • homesickness
  • global unity
  • cultural heritage
  • tourism industry
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