The growth of online shopping will one day lead to all shops in towns and cities closing. Do you agree or disagree?

It is certainly true that the rise of online shopping will shut down all
and cities
due to
its impact on
. I agree with
essay statement and my justification is given below. Nowadays, online shopping is significantly growing in the world. It has changed the definition of the shopping.
Due to
the increment in online shopping considering easy access, availability, and convenient options, the local
and cities will have less number of customers.
As a result
, their
will drop which will result in no profit.
For example
, many local
in India have shut down
due to
the increasing trend of Amazon Shopping. People prefer to shop from their workplace or home rather than going physically to
As a consequence
, local
do not get sufficient customers and they undergo massive losses.
, they can not survive and trends to close in future.
, local shop vendors have taken commercial loans or financial aid to support their businesses. They have to pay monthly high interest rates to the bank . Since their products do not sell much
due to
online shopping, they can not pay monthly interest
as well as
As a result
, either they have to stop the
and property handover to the bank or sell the property and pay the loan. These phenomena lead many shopkeepers to close their
For instance
, as per research conducted by the University of Mumbai, more than 30% of local vendors have recently sold their
and paid loans to banks as their
totally vanished
due to
Amazon and Flipkart. In conclusion, the increasing growth of online shopping will definitely shut down all
and cities
due to
losses in
. I totally agree with it and
is a worrying issue.
Submitted by ahv on

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task achievement
Enhance the clarity and depth of your argument by including more detailed and specific examples. Providing data or statistics can significantly strengthen your position.
coherence cohesion
Ensure all paragraphs are cohesive by using linking words or phrases to connect ideas seamlessly. This will help improve the logical flow of the essay.
coherence cohesion
Work on developing each point more comprehensively. This can include incorporating a counter-argument to show a balanced perspective.
introduction conclusion present
The essay has a clear introduction and conclusion which clearly state the writer's position.
supported main points
The main points made in the body paragraphs are relevant and well-aligned with the task.
relevant specific examples
The use of specific examples, such as the reference to Amazon and Flipkart in India, helps illustrate the argument effectively.
Topic Vocabulary:
  • e-commerce
  • brick-and-mortar
  • physical stores
  • online retailers
  • retail apocalypse
  • digital economy
  • consumer behavior
  • sustainability
  • commercial landscape
  • high-street
  • consumer trends
  • augmented reality
  • showrooms
  • carbon footprint
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