The increase in the production and consumption of meat has resulted in damage to the natural environment. What are the causes of this? What can be done to solve this problem?

The ever-growing demand of meat becoming a staple in many households has led to significant destruction to the environment with beef
in particular
driving climate change through not only cows’ emission of methane but
the deforestation taking place for grazing fields. In other to tackle
problem, alternative proteins need to be more commonly available
at the same time, laws need to be enacted to protect the land. When it comes to the production of meat, the entire planet suffers from a host of problems which mainly involve the greenhouse gas footprint
coupled with
the degradation of land. In terms of air pollution, cattle are the number one offender when it comes to food, emitting more than double the toxic fumes into the atmosphere than the next fresh source, lamb. Through their digestion and waste cows alone contribute roughly 40% of the total methane gas, a very potent substance which traps far more heat than carbon dioxide. Regarding the land itself, the
decade has seen entire forests cleared to make way for grazing, most noticeable being a large portion of the Amazon, where the removal of trees and vegetation was harmful enough, but the soil being grazed upon has now become infertile for generations. The way forward is to look at substitutes for protein intake
simultaneously pressuring governing officials to get involved. The availability of protein-rich foods to the average consumer would be a good place to start, taking a plant-based fresh replacement as a prime example, if only the price were to be reasonable
along with
the convenience, many would make the switch instantly and perhaps never turn back to meat. As for government action, regulations need to be legislated to prevent any
earth from being utilized for agriculture,
, farmers should have to repurpose existing farmland rather than doing more damage to the already fragile world. If both suggestions were to occur,
fresh consumption would drop
together with
the earth being preserved for tomorrow’s future. In conclusion, the world’s food consumption is detrimental to the planet, speeding up climate change like no other. With a more varied selection of proteins
as well as
laws stopping the expansion of
industry, the world can preserve
trend before it is too late.
Submitted by Nghỉ hè vui vẻ cả nhà on

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task achievement
The essay addresses the task quite well by discussing both the causes and solutions to the problem of increased meat production and consumption. However, more detailed and specific examples would strengthen your arguments even further.
coherence cohesion
While the essay is logically structured and flows effectively from introduction to conclusion, there are some instances where transitions between points could be smoother to further enhance cohesion. Try to use more linking words and phrases to guide the reader.
coherence cohesion
Your introduction and conclusion are well-presented, providing a clear and concise overview of the topic and summarizing your main points effectively.
task achievement
You have successfully provided logical and clear ideas to address both the causes and solutions of the problem.

Answer the 'Problem and Solution' topic

Problem-and-solution essays fall naturally into two parts, the first describing and exploring the problem, the second setting out the solution or solutions.

You essay structure should look something like this:

  • Introduction
  • Body paragraph 1 – Problems
  • Body paragraph 2 – Solutions
  • Conclusion

Examples to start your body paragraph:

  • One of the first problems of the...
  • Another problem that needs to be considered...
  • A possible solution to this problem would be...
  • One immediate practical solution is to...

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