The line graph shows the average number of weekly patients visiting 4 clinics of a hospital from 2010 to 2016.

The line graph shows the average number of weekly patients visiting 4 clinics of a hospital from 2010 to 2016.
The given line graph depicts the proportion of patients who paid a visit to 4 different hospital clinics per week between 2010 and 2016. The figures were recorded in patients (
). Generally speaking, it can be seen that the number went up over the timeframe with all clinics, with the exception of birth control. It can
be observed that birth control outnumbered the others
diabetes was the lowest at the beginning. Looking at the statistics in more detail, an upward trend of eye and dental could be noted. Eye clinics faced a slight growth from 2010 to 2012 before rising significantly from 150P to 350P in the following years.
, dental began with the number at 100P,
reached its deepest point in 2012 at 50P and soared in the next 4 years, which ended in 2016 at approximately 125P. Moving onto the remaining statistics, birth control started out with a slow increase which at the beginning with just less than 250P and
peaked in 2012 at roughly 275P.
By contrast
, diabetes showed the lowest amount in 2010 at more than 50P before substantially jumping up to around 175P in 2016.
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Vocabulary: Replace the words p with synonyms.
Topic Vocabulary:
  • Average number, weekly patients, line graph, period, entities, comparison, trends, correlations, disparities, significant changes, fluctuations, seasonal changes, health outbreaks, improvements, clinic services, overall growth, decline, hypothesizing, future trends, external factors, general health trends, healthcare policies, healthcare facilities, impact, hospital management, resource allocation, staffing, services offered
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