IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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Living in a competitive environment is becoming increasingly these days, It is argued by some that children have been affected by a competitive environment in schools. Others assert that in order to achieve their goals t
People often discuss the competitive environment in schools, and for some, this impact is somewhat negative. For these kinds of people, schools would be better and children would achieve more with less competition. Howev
In this contemporary education, school are too competitive and lead to negative impact on students' health and intrinsic motivation. However, others might argue that the competitive environment might encourage children t
The issue of what kind of environment should be provided by schools has long been a thorny one. While many feel that the level of competitiveness found within education is excessive, others believe that it is necessary i
Some people argue that schools are competitive and it is creating a bad impact on children, whereas others say that the competitive surroundings provide motive for the students to succeed. I believe that the competitive
A highly controversial issue today relates to whether competition in schools affects the pupils negatively or not. In this essay, I am going to examine this question from both points of view, and then explain my opinion.
A highly controversial issue today relates to whether competition in schools affects the pupils negatively or not. In this essay, I am going to examine this question from both points of view, and then explain my opinion.
Nowadays there is a lot of competition in every sector whether it is academic, professional, or even political area. Therefore, it is argued by many individuals that due to increased competition at school creates harmful
Throughout history, competition has been one of the paramount challenges in various communities, significantly schools. A plethora of people believe that a competitive atmosphere in academic places can cause negative sid
It is believed that to make a child excel in life one needs to create a competitive environment in his surroundings so that he can achieve success. But few people are of the view that schools are too competitive and this
Some state that the competitiveness of schools and its impact on children can cause a lot of issues. Diametrically opposed to this, some opine that juveniles have to expose to pressure to promote their development. I bel
Teaching methods are crucial parts of the education system. Students at school tend to be competitive with each other. Some people think this has several disadvantages. While others believe it is important to be competit
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