Some people believe governments should spend more money on improving roads and highways, while some think money should be spent on improving public transportation, such as buses, trains, and subways. -Discuss both views and give your opinion.

Some people hold the view that governments ought to allocate a large proportion of funds for enhancing road infrastructure, others feel that it is public transport to which investment should be directed. As far as I am concerned, honing the condition of highways dominates over the transportation system since trouble-free ways benefit a lot more. On the one hand, it is undeniable that the condition of avenues is vital since they have a direct effect on road accident statistics.
For instance
, a boulevard with poor lighting depletes the drivers’ vision and puts their lives at risk.
As well as
, roads and highways need daily supervision by engineers in order to be safe, and there are several factors,
as their asphalts, which need to be checked by professionals to prevent crashes.
, great amounts of budget are needed which should be provided by the government to guarantee a safe and fast journey for individuals.
On the other hand
, as a significant part of our lives depends on transportation,
plays a vital role in people’s lifestyles,
that is
to say, transfers essential commodities with the help of commuting systems,
as trucks, buses and undergrounds.
, the more the government increases the number of subways, the fewer traffic jams there will be.
Due to
the fact that most humans would rather subways than other kinds of transportation. All things considered,
the public vehicle is highly regarded as the one which should be funded by governments, I am of the view that the former should not
be excluded or even be prioritized as it is as indispensable as the latter.
Submitted by a_zamjonov99 on

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task achievement
Your essay successfully addresses both sides of the argument and provides a clear opinion, but could benefit from more specific examples and finer detail in the arguments. Consider adding statistical data or real-world cases to strengthen your points.
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The structure of your essay is clear, with a proper introduction and conclusion. Transition words can be slightly improved to enhance the flow of ideas between paragraphs.
introduction conclusion
Clear and concise introduction and conclusion which frame the essay well.
logical structure
Logical structure that allows the reader to follow the argument effectively.
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