Many people consider celebrities such as actors and athletes to be their role models. Do you think that people should look up to celebrities as role models? What other types of people are worthy of admiration?

Nowadays, more individuals appreciate famous actors and successful athletes, considering them exemplary figures. In my opinion, an ideal role model should be someone who contributes positively to their community and nation.
, it's unjustifiable to elevate any specific occupation as supreme. It's acknowledged that
bring positive outcomes to the future generation and deserve recognition as ideal figures. To start, it's illogical to assess an individual, including
, as a role model solely based on celebrity status.
, an ideal model's contributions to their community should be evaluated.
often participate in environmental volunteer campaigns,
as blood donation events, enhancing their public image.
For example
, several famous singers have founded anthropological organizations, primarily funded by their global music concerts, covering educational fees for African students.
, the general public, previously unfamiliar with these singers' music, began to respect and feel enthusiastic about their charitable contributions.
, an ideal figure achieves rewards through their career path and holds considerable influence on multimedia platforms.
, it's true that successful
who contribute positively have become role models for youngsters, valued for their integrity and compassion. Indeed, there are numerous individuals deserving recognition beyond
, who shape the world's education.
are vital in nurturing an educated workforce, and a world without their existence would regress. Despite their substantial dedication,
are often underappreciated.
, they should be held in high regard and treated equally to other professions. In conclusion, admiration for idols should not lead to blind imitation.
exemplify great models and deserve equal, if not more, recognition than
Submitted by lenam2k1 on

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coherence cohesion
Improve clarity and flow by shortening complex sentences and breaking them into simpler ones. This will enhance readability and ensure the ideas are conveyed effectively.
coherence cohesion
Ensure that each paragraph has a clear main point and that this point is supported with detailed evidence and examples. This can help to better structure your argument and make it more convincing.
task achievement
Consider including a broader variety of examples to support your points, from different areas and perspectives, to demonstrate a well-rounded understanding of the topic.
coherence cohesion
The essay provides a clear introduction and conclusion, which bookend the discussion effectively.
task achievement
The main points are relevant and well-connected to the topic, demonstrating a good understanding of the task.
task achievement
The essay includes specific examples, such as celebrities' charitable activities and the significant role of teachers, to support the points discussed.
Topic Vocabulary:
  • influential
  • humanitarian
  • advocacy
  • platform
  • social change
  • distorted perception
  • unrealistic expectations
  • idealized
  • superficial
  • everyday heroes
  • tangible
  • intellectuals
  • innovators
  • ethical achievements
  • mentors
  • personal growth
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