The provided illustration gives data about the number of students in both genders taking part in distinctive sports after graduation in the period of 2010. The units are measured in percentages.
, it can be seen that the ratio of boys in football showed the highest number Linking Words
it was in netball was the lowest. Linking Words
, swimming, basketball and no sports had small differences, Linking Words
, in the remains, they were both significant.
Turning to football and netball in Linking Words
detail, it can be observed that there was a swap in the tendency of preferences in the two genders, the percentage of males in the first sport was more than 4 times higher than females, which was measured at a fifth Linking Words
the proportion of girls in netball was under a fifth, 6 times bigger than its counterpart.
Moving onto the other three activities, it has been provided that, no sports and swimming had a similar trend which was more popular for females than males. Linking Words
, they were calculated at around 15 per cent and under 5 per cent respectively and basketball which had an exceptional tendency showed the number at approximately 7 per cent.Linking Words