with growing number of populations in cities, many people are living in small homes that don't have outdoor spaces. is this a positive or negative developments?

There is a large number of residents who are settling down in small accommodations without any outdoor spaces because of an increase in the number of
all over the world.
writer presumes that
issue may detrimentally lead to a strong impact on the citizens’
Change the spelling
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and pollution in some metropolitans. There is no doubt that lack of area for entertainment is able to make
suffer from stress.
In other words
due to
the over-population, residents must live in a narrow home that can cause a sense of discomfort and turn into
Replace the word
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as a result
For instance
, in the previous years, almost
Correct determiner usage
all houses
show examples
have their own outdoor spaces in order to do gardening and satisfy their interests like growing Bonsai in Japan.
, if there is
Correct your spelling
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available land for human relaxation,
may be under
Correct article usage
show examples
pressure significantly. Another point for consideration is that the environment in some big cities will
be affected noticeably by the inadequacy of land for cultivation. To be more specific, with a huge number of buildings constructed, the available area for agriculture will be restricted and
as a consequence
the fumes and pollutants from construction are extremely harmful
Change the preposition
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citizens, the amount of plants is
not enough to refresh the air quality.
, the current status has just become worse and worse in the future. In conclusion, the lack of outdoor spaces has a negative impact on the quality of residents’
Fix the agreement mistake
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is because
Remove the comma
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the lack of area for entertainment possibly leads
to be stressed and the environment may be polluted by the inadequacy
Change preposition
of land
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for cultivation.

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task achievement
Work on providing more relevant and varied examples to support your points. This will enhance the credibility of your arguments.
coherence cohesion
There are a few minor grammatical inaccuracies and awkward phrases. It would be beneficial to refine your language and make it more natural.
coherence cohesion
Your essay has a clear introduction and conclusion, which helps in presenting a cohesive argument.
task achievement
You have made some valid points and attempted to support them with examples, which shows a good understanding of the topic.
task achievement
Your choice of vocabulary is quite good and varied, which enhances the overall quality of the essay.

Your opinion

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Topic Vocabulary:
  • overcrowding
  • urban areas
  • quality of life
  • detrimental
  • mental and physical health
  • natural environments
  • recreational activities
  • minimalist lifestyle
  • material consumption
  • waste
  • urban planning
  • public parks
  • communal spaces
  • financial burden
  • accessible
  • compact living spaces
  • sense of community
  • shared living arrangements
  • social connections
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