In many areas,
achievers are considered
highlyCorrect quantifier usage
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paid professionals than ones in some vital sectors. Controversially,
has been
arguingWrong verb form
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by some individuals that it is completely equitable,
vice versa, it is not. From my point of view, I partly agree with the first opinion,
consentWrong verb form
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to the second viewpoint. The below passages will dive deeply into both these points and explain reasons for my view of thinking.
On the one hand, I would
debateVerb problem
show examples
that it ought not to be really unfair in terms of the high payment of the
professionals compared to others.
belief stems from the fact that many consume their entire youth, blood, sweat and tears in order to gain back the national pride. To be more
understandablyChange the word
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, there are underlying costs,
, enormous strain and higher risks of injuries
major expectations, significant media
attentionsFix the agreement mistake
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unforeseenCorrect word choice
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incidents,... it is totally
the Change the article
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contrary to the desirable appearance. To illustrate my reckoning, a gifted Vietnamese national swimming athlete called Anh Vien, who has around 10 years of
experiencesFix the agreement mistake
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with uncountable triumphs, received huge disappointments from various citizens across the country when failed at
2020Correct article usage
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Summer Olympics. In short, in exchange for their health, time, the efforts in need for
maintainingWrong verb form
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their records and the unimaginable stress in comparison to other sectors, I would consider it
is Unnecessary verb
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quite justified.
, from my
one Correct pronoun usage
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another Correct quantifier usage
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perspective, it is
slightly inequitable since those crucial occupations like doctors, teachers, or architects tend to have fewer figures of salaries, despite
sameCorrect article usage
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devotionsFix the agreement mistake
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given towards the enlargement of the state. In fact, those jobs might not require any
particularlyChange the word
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physical power,
, more brainpower and the competence to accurately engage with scholastic insights. Plus, there may be a possibility that those areas,
with numerous
fields, actually share relatively tantamount periods of time or even longer in training, studying and seeking for experiences.
, having the same specialized levels in different jobs, yet achieving
lessChange the quantifier
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chances than your authentic ability could fade the passion away dramatically and
, possibly
puttingWrong verb form
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an end to your path of career.
In conclusion, every single job has its own distinct role and obstructions in the journey of thriving our nations of origin.
, from my mentioned expression, it is
clearlyChange the word
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professionals should have much higher wages as they encounter a series of extreme challenges with regard to both physicality and mentality owing to the whole country’s desire to observe victories.
, the rest of
otherCorrect article usage
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essential fields’ amounts of coins
isCorrect subject-verb agreement
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not quite balanced with the enthusiasm that the employees submitted.