When choosing a job, while some people think that the salary is the most important thing to be taken into consideration, others have a diverse view. Discuss both views and give your opinion.

One part of individuals believe that income is the most important criterion for selecting a work,
other people refuse
, in my view, various factors
must be considered and the following lines,previously mentioned points will be thoroughly discussed. On the one hand ,a lucrative salary is an undeniable determinant in choosing a job which can make life easier for workers.
In other words
, earning low income will hinder them in sustaining their needs.
For example
according to
recent research published by New York City University, artists who pursue a profession they admire suffer from financial hurdles.
,receiving a high salary can facilitate life .
For instance
, most employees are trying to improve their lives and
, money is necessary for research in
On the other hand
,there are other equally important determinants
earning a good salary,
as a pleasant environment and operating time.Working environments
make people’s life more happier and easier.
For example
according to
a study conducted by Japanese students from Tokyo University, breadwinners who work in favourable circumstances execute their duties faster and qualitatively compared to their peers who operate in an unhealthy atmosphere.
, the working hours of employees
have an impact on their emotional and physical condition. Specifically, a large number of night workers suffer from insomnia which can lead to worse diseases and even death. In conclusion, after the aforementioned points,it can be considered that working conditions are essential when hunting for a vacation. In my view, high income should not be the predominant incentive behind accepting a job offer.
Submitted by rghdbyby47 on

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