The table below illustrates the total number of telephone call minutes (in billions) in the UK from 1995 to 2002, categories into three distinct types.

The table below illustrates the total number of telephone call minutes (in billions) in the UK from 1995 to 2002, categories into three distinct types.
The table below illustrates the total number of telephone call minutes (in billions) in the UK from 1995 to 2002,
Replace the word
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into three distinct types.
, during
ten-year period, local-fixed lines remained the biggest usage indicator, with all two other telephone calls taken together, there are fewer. As can be seen from the graph from 1995 to 2002
Correct article usage
the quantity
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of calls
Wrong verb form
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their index was different despite
increase the same way,
in 1999
Correct article usage
the local-fixed
show examples
service stopped and each year only
Wrong verb form
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down for four years, getting back to the details, the highest percentage reached 90%,
the lowest recorded was 3% for telephonic communications. It is interesting to note that mobile phone usage in 1999 shot up to 45%,
as well as
national and international fixed-line calls grew gradually. Mobile phone usage saw a near doubling from approximately 22 billion minutes in 2000 to 40 billion in 2001.
underscores the varying preferences and trends in communication methods over the examined period.
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Linking words: Don't use the same linking words: "while".
Vocabulary: Rephrase your introduction. Words match: 100%.
Vocabulary: Rephrase the word "illustrates" in your introduction.
Vocabulary: Rephrase the word "number of" in your introduction.
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