Whilst public believes that courses are better delivered in class rather than
applyWrong verb form
show examples
online method. I agree with
opinionAdd an article
show examples
that meeting between students and their
moreAdd a missing verb
show examples
beneficial for both.
On the one hand, health issues which limited us to have interaction and lack of transportation
that Correct pronoun usage
show examples
tackle us to get education. To
achievesCorrect subject-verb agreement
show examples
that boundary, professional education
launchWrong verb form
show examples
newCorrect article usage
show examples
approach by using
internetCorrect article usage
show examples
connection for
videocallCorrect your spelling
show examples
and learning
systemFix the agreement mistake
show examples
, but there are several problems
onChange preposition
show examples
that method.
distance learning
needCorrect subject-verb agreement
show examples
strongAdd an article
show examples
ofChange preposition
show examples
internetCorrect article usage
show examples
, but some areas
are Unnecessary verb
show examples
hasCorrect subject-verb agreement
show examples
, online learning should be
supportWrong verb form
show examples
devices that need high cost.
but not least,
peoplesFix the agreement mistake
show examples
classFix the agreement mistake
show examples
may face some disturbance that can
effectCorrect your spelling
show examples
on Change preposition
show examples
their focus and motivation to have
Correct article usage
show examples
with their teachers.
getWrong verb form
show examples
direct material
of Change preposition
show examples
education from
Add an article
show examples
teacherFix the agreement mistake
show examples
classroomAdd an article
show examples
. Interaction
onChange preposition
show examples
class will
moreAdd a missing verb
show examples
interactive than
by Change preposition
show examples
studentFix the agreement mistake
show examples
can directly ask
teacherAdd an article
show examples
when they need
explanationCorrect article usage
show examples
Add a missing verb
show examples
disturbReplace the word
show examples
lackCorrect article usage
show examples
of internet connection.
, the boundaries between
teacherFix the agreement mistake
show examples
may reduce and it will
riseCorrect your spelling
show examples
student attention and increase their motivation.
In conclusion,
besideReplace the word
show examples
Correct article usage
show examples
advantagesCorrect article usage
show examples
of distance learning that
doesVerb problem
show examples
achieveWrong verb form
show examples
Change preposition
show examples
in Change preposition
show examples
Correct word choice
show examples
but Correct word choice
show examples
there are more
Replace the word
show examples
beneficiallyReplace the word
show examples
Wrong verb form
show examples
accessWrong verb form
show examples
school in
classroomAdd an article
show examples