You recently bought some train tickets for a journey a week in advance. When you went to the station to catch the train, you were told you could not use the tickets and the staff were very unhelpful to you. Write a letter to the train company. In your letter • describe the problem you had with the tickets • say why you were unhappy with the staff • suggest what action the train company should take

Dear Sir and Madam, I am Mary Johnson, a customer who chose to
public transit to start my journey. Unfortunately, I am writing to express my dissatisfaction with the service I received and the negative attitude you treated me
week. I had purchased three one-way train tickets online and when my family and I were ready to get on board, we were told these three tickets were invalid, which confused us. I explained all the details to one of the staff who was on the platform;
, he was reluctant to help us and did not tell us what we could do
or even transfer us to another department. His name is Benjamin North, I remembered, and his performance did not display any professionalism and kindness. I believe there is room for improvement in
unexpected event process. I would like to give some suggestions if you don't mind.
, improving practical education and training, especially for urgent conditions and irregular things.
, printing a brief and easy-carried booklet for each staff may face customers and deal with customer's unsatisfaction.
, I hope you can address
issue promptly and find a suitable resolution. I hope we can resolve
matter promptly and amicably. Sincerely, Mary Johnson
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task achievement
You should provide a bit more detail about why the tickets were deemed invalid. This will make your problem description clearer.
coherence cohesion
Try to use a more varied sentence structure to make your writing more engaging.
task achievement
You have clearly described the problem you encountered with the tickets.
task achievement
The suggestions you offered are practical and well-thought-out.
coherence cohesion
Your paragraphs follow a logical structure and flow well from one idea to the next.
coherence cohesion
You used appropriate greetings and closings.
coherence cohesion
Each paragraph focuses on a single idea, making your points clear and easy to follow.
Topic Vocabulary:
  • disappointed
  • inconvenience
  • frustrated
  • incompetent
  • unhelpful
  • inconsiderate
  • ruined
  • compensation
  • refund
  • apology
  • reimbursement
  • improvement
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