While many people go to university for academic study, more people should be encouraged to do vocational training because there is a lack of qualified workers such as electricians and plumbers. Do you agree or disagree?

Some individuals are of the opinion that pursue vocational training
due to
the lack of qualified labourers
as HAVC technicians
of learning in a university. From my perspective, I firmly believe that the young generations should go for academic study.
essay will expound upon
by giving compelling reasons and practical examples.
To begin
with, there are some positive effects. Broadening one’s horizon is a decisive element. Specifically, in recent years, the development of education and the economy has grown unstoppably, so acquiring more helpful academic knowledge is essential to contribute to that enhancement.
, students could gain more experience, develop valuable skills and access more lucrative career opportunities from academic learning. An example relevant to
situation is that the students learning in universities often contact with those who are qualified, and they may forge essential relationships, along support each other so that the youth can accomplish challenges more easily.
, most people prefer vocational training, yet they think it is less detrimental. One of the reasons why is that adolescents tend to avoid complex learning , their purpose is earning money, so they often opt for short-term courses and earn money as fast as they can.
, the newcomers joining the mentioned quick course would not have a chance to get promoted and only get a certain wage without rising, so it is more beneficial to those who participate in the academic one.
As a result
, the more effort they invest, the greater their self-improvement, meaning that academic learners could get a higher salary.
For instance
, employers from numerous big companies prefer people who possess advanced certifications and excel in communication and negotiation, not a degree of vocational training. In conclusion, some people work very hard, some do not. From my standpoint, there would be no shortage of workers
as electricians , and students who learn academic lessons could contribute to the world's development
as well as
pave many chances for themselves.
, I totally disagree with

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task achievement
Ensure all key points in the essay prompt are addressed thoroughly. Consider providing a balanced view by discussing the importance of vocational training more comprehensively.
coherence cohesion
Clarify and organize main points better to improve logical flow. Using clear topic sentences can help to clearly outline paragraphs.
task achievement
Include more specific and relevant examples to support the argument effectively. Examples should directly relate to the points being made.
coherence cohesion
Effective use of transitions and topic sentences to connect ideas between paragraphs.
coherence cohesion
Strong introduction and conclusion that effectively introduce and summarize the essay's main points.
Topic Vocabulary:
  • skilled workers
  • vocational training
  • academic study
  • qualified
  • electricians
  • plumbers
  • technicians
  • hands-on experience
  • job market
  • infrastructure
  • economy
  • unemployment rates
  • consumer spending
  • educational paths
  • job satisfaction
  • societal resilience
  • versatile workforce
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