With the increasing ease of seeking information regarding infectious and non-infectious diseases, thanks to the advancement of technology, people are getting more exposed to information that previously
canWrong verb form
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only be known through medical professionals. With just
click away, we can do the first step of pre-screening ourselves
fromChange preposition
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any form of medical
that we presume we might have. I strongly think that
new level of awareness about
's own
is very helpful for anyone, but we should
take into account the limit of
measureFix the agreement mistake
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in order to exploit the benefits of having
When we look for information on the internet regarding a certain medical
, we can immediately know several important points of the disease itself: the cause, symptoms, prognosis of the
diseasesFix the agreement mistake
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, and treatments available for it. From
we are able to understand the things we should do in order to avoid
doing so, we are
giving ourselves a plan ahead that may benefit us in the long run. The most obvious
, the financial planning that includes our
spendingsFix the agreement mistake
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and savings. By
doingVerb problem
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the Correct article usage
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preventative measures for
Add an article
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conditionFix the agreement mistake
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we foresee might happen, like avoiding flu during the influenza season by having the vaccine shots, we might be able to save some money and time to buy medicines for the sickness. Even when the cost of the vaccine is being considered, since we will not know the severity of the possible flu we might have caught, it still is a safe and
option to have.
, we should
understand the limit of
deedCorrect article usage
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. Preventative
measureFix the agreement mistake
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vaccineFix the agreement mistake
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should not be taken as a perfect shell against diseases, nor
doVerb problem
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taking vitamins and minerals.
For doingChange preposition
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so will most likely stop someone
forChange preposition
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seeking the help they need when their health situation worsens. We often see
in the case of younger, fit and active people who think what they are doing behind the screen is enough to stop the coming, unpredictable health
conditionFix the agreement mistake
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In conclusion, prevention is indeed better than
curingChange the form of the verb
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. Yet as we know
it Correct pronoun usage
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very well, we should not reject the act of curing itself when we need it, even if in the first place we think we don't need it. It is
should be noted that,
prevention may help us save some money and time, a late treatment for an unseen
may hinder the possible progress we could make in
regardsFix the agreement mistake
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to the disease. For
we should always doing,
prevention, to help us notice the
the Correct article usage
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ofChange preposition
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a cure.