In many countries, smoking is now illegal in public places. Many people believe that such a ban is justified. Do you agree or disagree?

There is no denying the fact that smoking plays a crucial role in shaping public
it is a commonly held belief that smoking
in public places are justified, there is
an argument that opposes it. In my opinion, I consider the impact of smoking
on public
and societal well-being cannot be overlooked.
To begin
with, smoking
have significant effects on public
In other words
, prohibiting smoking in public places reduces exposure to secondhand smoke, which is known to cause various
as respiratory problems and heart disease.
In addition
,The challenges posed by secondhand smoke require urgent attention and action.
For example
, after Ireland decided to ban smoking in all indoor workplaces, there was a significant decline in lung cancer and other lethal diseases among restaurant and pub workers, leading many other countries to adopt similar measures. Another point to consider is that smoking
influence societal well-being in various ways. It is
possible to say that creating smoke-free environments promotes a healthier lifestyle and reduces the social acceptability of smoking. A law prohibiting smoking in public areas forces smokers to leave the company of everyone else if they want to have a cigarette. Most people dislike feeling ostracized, and
can provide excellent motivation to quit.
For instance
, social pressure brought about by smoking
is often cited by ex-smokers as one of the reasons they gave up the habit. In conclusion, despite people having different views, I believe that addressing smoking through public
is essential. By implementing and enforcing smoking
in public places, we can protect public
and enhance societal well-being. Individuals and organizations should support these measures to ensure a healthier and cleaner environment for everyone.
prevents innocent people from developing
conditions caused by passive smoking and reduces the number of smokers.
Submitted by fatoomdes on

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task achievement
Your essay provides a clear and comprehensive response to the prompt, effectively discussing the reasons for supporting smoking bans in public places. To further improve, consider addressing counter-arguments in more detail, as this could provide a more balanced view.
coherence cohesion
Ensure that all paragraphs logically flow from one to another. While your points are clear, enhancing transitions between paragraphs and ideas will improve the overall coherence of the essay.
coherence cohesion
Your essay has a clear introduction and conclusion, effectively framing the argument and providing a concise summary.
task achievement
You have included relevant and specific examples, such as the impact of smoking bans on public health in Ireland, which strengthen your argument.
coherence cohesion
The essay is well structured with each paragraph discussing a distinct point, which helps in understanding your argument clearly.
Topic Vocabulary:
  • secondhand smoke
  • prevalence
  • respiratory issues
  • environmental pollution
  • litter
  • healthcare costs
  • smoking-induced illnesses
  • encourage smokers to quit
  • public health improvement
  • justified
  • public spaces
  • exposure
  • non-smokers
  • inconvenience
  • younger populations
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