IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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The issue of whether the expense of improving technology for space exploration is justified has been a subject of debate. While some argue that humans should use that money for earthly needs. I firmly believe that the b
It's a well-known fact that several governments allocate large sums of money towards space exploration. Personally, I strongly agree that these funds should be directed towards public services that have a more direct, im
These days, the amount of money spent on space travel has been increasing to develop more new technology, and opponents believe that the money should be invested in other sectors in order to fully utilize the investment.
These days, the amount of money spent in space travel had been increasing to develop more new technology, and opponents believe that the money should invest in other sectors in order to fully utilize the investment. In m
In today’s world, there have been enormous investments in the technology industry. Space science has been the most popular and expensive field. However, there is a debate regarding the spending amount of money since peop
It has been believed by many folks that funds invested in space research are not valuable as there are many other issues on which money needs to be spent. I completely agree with this notion. My position is justified fu
Some individuals claim that the amount of money squandered in advancing space technology is unjustified and they go further to say that, it could be invested in more advantageous applications. Personally, I strongly
In line with the development of the era, space science and technology has significantly improved. However, some skeptics believe that this investment is wasteful and useless because humans have an array of issues that ne
Currently, the Government’s spending money has never failed to provoke debates among people. While some people claim the fact that splurging money on space exploration is not justified, the opposite side makes a statemen
The general view has been that cashing in money on thriving technology for cosmos exploration is not worth spending on. Nevertheless, some believe that it will have a wealth of feasible tactics to invest properly. Person
There is a tremendously controversial perspective heating a debate over whether the investment should be allocated on developing technology for space discovery or other aspects to bring more immensely favourable benefits
Currently, the money spent has always been the topic of interest. While some claim that money invested in developing technology to discover space is not justified, the opposite makes a statement that there are more treme
For the time being, that the government’s coffer splurges on exploring space has never failed to provoke controversial debates among people. Some claim that space exploration the money goes into is not reliable while the
There are tremendous controversial notions heating up a debate over the budget allocation of the governors. While some hold a claim that money devoted to technology development for outer space exploration is not well spe
Currently,the way authorities spend money has never failed to provoke debates among people.While some argue that it is not justified to invest in technology for space discovery, others make a statement that there are mo
There is a controversial notion heating a debate over the fact that the authorities’ way to spend the money. While some claim that the government ought not to fund space exploration, the opposite makes a statement that t
There are some controversial ideas heating a debate over the fact that some people claim the state’s coffers should be invested in different fields which have more advantages for society rather than being allocated on sp
Nowadays, the government's investment has never failed to provoke debates among people. Some suppose that spending money on developing technology for space discovery is worthless, others make a statement that there are m
Some persons believe the investment in aerospace improvement is not that necessary. There are other methods of using wages wisely. This essay rather agrees with the statement.
the issue of whether the money should be used justified has been raising a lot of debates. Some might say that there are so many ways to invest money such as help poor people, construct infrastructure or develop computer
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