You have lost an item of value on a train. Write a letter to the railway company. In your letter describe the item. Explain where and when you left it Say what action you would like the company to take Write at least 150 words. You do NOT need to write any addresses. Begin your letter as follows: Dear Sir or Madam,

Dear Sir or Madam, My name is Alaa Abdelaal, and I am a passenger. I am writing
letter to seek your help regarding my lost
during my recent train travel. In the beginning, I lost my black laptop
which has my laptop, its charger and an AirPod. The trip was from Cairo to Aswan on 21st June at 07:00 PM. My booking reference number is 13102023 Another point I need to add to my letter is that I left the
in the overhead cabin above seat 10-O. I went to the restroom and
left the train without taking it.
, I would appreciate it if you could ship the
back to me. I am ready to pay for the courier, so you can
Change the verb form
be sent
show examples
it to me via Aramex. My address is building 13, New
Change the capitalization
show examples
, Egypt. I am looking forward to hearing from you, and thank you in advance. Faithfully, Alaa
Submitted by ahmedteleb500 on

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task achievement
Your letter effectively communicates all the necessary points, but providing slightly more detail about the appearance of your bag could enhance your description and thereby improve your task response score.
coherence cohesion
Consider using connective words and phrases to enhance the flow between sentences and paragraphs. This can improve the logical structure of your letter.
coherence cohesion
The greeting and closing of your letter are well-crafted, fostering a polite and respectful tone.
task achievement
You have successfully identified and explained the main points: what the item is, where it was left, and the desired action from the railway company.
Topic Vocabulary:
  • valuable item
  • distinctive features
  • left behind
  • compartment
  • last seen
  • retrieved
  • item description
  • identifying information
  • contact
  • lost and found
  • appropriate department
  • expeditious
  • immediate assistance
  • trace
  • recovery
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