The line graph and pie chart below show information on crime in the UK for the last year.

The line graph and pie chart below show information on crime in the UK for the last year.
The two diagrams
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data on the age range and categories of criminal activities committed in the UK in the previous year. The line graph illustrates the estimates of unlawful acts carried out by different age brackets,
the pie chart depicts the various offences committed
, the younger ones between the ages of 12 and 28 were the most offenders, and approximately half of the actions committed were violent crimes. The line chart indicates that children of 8 years and below were never accused of any misdeeds.
, those aged 12 to 28 had the highest
rate ranging from 60,000 to 80,000, having a wide discrepancy from adults after 28 years old with about 60,000, from there, the value appeared to reduce as one gets older. With regards to the type of wrongdoings, the pie chart highlights that the majority of the
accused were violent, which accounted for nearly half of all, at 46%,
public order made up the least proportion, at roughly 5 times less than violence. The second highest
was property, taking almost a quarter, registered at 23%.
On the contrary
, drug
amounted to 1% lower than that of property.
Submitted by adebimpeanimawun on

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Sentences: Add more complex sentences.
Vocabulary: Replace the words crime with synonyms.
Vocabulary: The word "chart" was used 3 times.
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