IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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The two diagrams provides data on the age range and categories of criminal activities committed in the UK in the previous year. The line graph illustrates the estimates of unlawful acts carried out by different age brack
The line graph here illustrates the crime rate accross different age groups and the pie chart depicts the types of crime committed in the United Kingdom for the last year.
The line graph and pie chart display information about the ages of individuals and the types of crime that happened in Britain over the previous year. According to the data, Most younger people, particularly those aged b
The line chart depicts the crime rates in different age groups, among the British population. The pie chart further projects a break down of four types of criminal offences: violent, property, drug or public order crimes
A glance at the graph provided reveals two information related to crime happened in UK in previous year. The first one is about relationship between age and crime described on line graph, and the second one about type of
The two graphs illustrate the details of crime types in the UK as well as the connection between and the crime rate from last year. Overall, among 4 different crime types, violent crime placed first and the crime rate pe
The given line graph provides information about the link between age and crime. Additionally, the pie chart illustrates the proportion of several kinds of crime in the United Kingdom last year.
The given charts illustrate the data of crime in the United Kingdom during the end of year.
The pointed line graph shows the fluctuation of crime rate based on the relationship between age and crime. As we can see, children from 0 to 8 years old nobodys had committed a crime, but others from the age 8 to 12 did
The line graph illustrates the relationship between age and crime in the last year. The pie chart depicts the proportion of four different types of crime in the United Kingdom.
The graphs provide information on crime in the UK for the last year. The information was broken down into age groups and four types of crime. Overall, British whose age between 16 to 24 had the highest crime rate, wherea
The graphics give statistics about crime in the United Kingdom last year. The line graph shows link between crime and age and the pie chart gives a breakdown of four different crimes, as a percentage. Overall, we can see
The line graph illustrates the statistics regarding relationship between age and crime, while the pie charts depict the information on types of crime committed in the UK in the last year. Overall it can be seen that crim
The line graph represents the correlation between the number of crimes with age and the pie chart illustrates the percentages of the different types of the UK in the previous year.
The line graph represents the correlation between the number of breaches of laws with age and the pie chart illustrates the percentages of the different types of the UK in the previous year.
The graphic shows crime figures for last year in the United Kingdom. The line graph shows the connection between criminal activity and age and the pie chart a breakdown of different crime types.
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