You recently ordered something online. When the delivery came it was not complete. Write a letter to the company. In your letter: - Explain what you ordered and what was missing from your delivery - Explain the importance of this delivery - Ask for a replacement item to be sent

Dear Sir / Madam, I am writing
letter to inform you that the delivery I received through your service provider was not complete.
week on 21-Jun I
Unnecessary verb
show examples
made a purchase online from your website for a cycle with side-support wheels for my daughter so that she can learn cycling. But unfortunately, the delivery I received was without any supporting wheels in the box. Without the supporting
Add a comma
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it is impossible for her to learn how to cycle.
Add a comma
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I noticed the color was faded and had
Correct article usage
a few
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scratches around the cycle I would like to kindly request you to arrange for a replacement soon as possible
Remove the comma
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was supposed to be a surprise gift for her birthday which is in two
Change noun form
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time. I urge you to deliver it by your fast delivery services so that it can arrive on time. Awaiting your feedback and appreciate your soonest action. Thanks & Regards, Vipin Abraham
Submitted by keerthy9209 on

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greeting and closing
Provide a more specific greeting, such as 'Dear Customer Service Team,' to make your letter sound more personalised and direct.
single idea per paragraph
Ensure that each paragraph has only one main idea to improve clarity.
logical structure
Rephrase some sentences for better clarity and to avoid repetition. For example, you can combine similar ideas into one sentence.
task achievement
Your letter clearly states what you ordered and what was missing, fulfilling the task requirements.
suitable writing tone
You used a polite tone throughout the letter, making it appropriate for the situation.
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