Many studies show that poor people are more likely to be involved in petty and serious crimes than people who come from higher-income groups. Do you agree?

I agree with the statement that individuals with poverty have more potential to commit crimes,
wealthy people are less engaged in criminal activity.
essay will contend with reasoning beyond that matter.
, Crime is a serious affair and should be taken into account properly to rectify its paramount impact. To decide which groups are most associated with
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the criminal
a criminal
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activity we must consider the reasons for the above
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notoriously attempt. Getting inadequate or inappropriate
is one of the main bases for committing petty or heavy crimes.
For example
, Several studies have shown that individuals with lower incomes may face barriers to accessing higher
; Financial struggles that affect
foster unexcusable criminal actions.
, family problems and the relationship of parents with their children have tremendous outcomes in deciding a child's future. Family is the first place that we face with micro social rules and responsibilities. impediment in
period will have devastating results for society's comfort.
For instance
, A famous prisoner Ted Bundy was born into a problematic family, which attests to the reason for his nasty behavior. In conclusion, the Economic situation of status has a profound effect on a person's morality. In terms of criminal action
and family problems are integrated directly with the financial circumstances.
barriers and family issues they faced in their childhood could be an answer to the mindset of their harmful or petty crimes without any justification. Individuals who lack a basic understanding of law and rules could be a proper illustration of people who have less income and are more likely to commit destructive actions compared with those high-income groups.
Submitted by Yasar Khan on

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task achievement
Your essay effectively addresses the topic and presents a clear, well-organized argument. However, consider refining your grammar and sentence structure in some areas to improve clarity and readability. For example, 'beyond that matter' in the introduction could be more naturally phrased as 'on this matter.'
coherence cohesion
To improve coherence, ensure that each paragraph flows smoothly from one idea to the next. While your essay is generally well-organized, some transitions could be more fluid. For instance, rephrasing 'Education barriers and family issues they faced in their childhood could be an answer...' can enhance clarity.
coherence cohesion
Your essay has a clear introduction and conclusion, which effectively frame your argument.
task achievement
You provided relevant and specific examples to support your points, which strengthen your argument.
coherence cohesion
Your main points are well-supported and clearly presented.
Topic Vocabulary:
  • economic stress
  • quality education
  • criminal behavior
  • unemployment
  • social environment
  • peer pressure
  • impoverished areas
  • mental health resources
  • criminal tendencies
  • legal means
  • charged
  • convicted
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