Some people say that time and money spent on music classes in schools are not necessary. Instead, children should be learning useful subjects such as science and computers. Do you agree or disagree?

In my opinion to agree or disagree with the description that Some people say that time and money spent on rap classes in schools are not necessary.
, offspring should be learning useful
as science and an important issue to discuss, first I will agreement supporting
explanation after which some aspects against it will be discussed.
To begin
with, despite my disagreement, a category of individuals advocate that pupils must acquire artistic
in order to conserve their cultural identity.
is because when youth study these syllabi, they acquire an in-depth understanding of their civilization
along with
the evolution that their country has witnessed over the centuries.
For instance
, in Egypt, educational institutions are keen on introducing history
to the current generation in order to obtain a comprehensive view of their Pharaonic civilization and how music influenced their culture.
, what can be said is that,
according to
their claims, these
are pivotal for the development of
Correct article usage
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sense of patriotism in young adults. On the one hand , many people agree with
description for many important reasons. The most significant is that I believe the tune west the time for offspring not useful
in addition
offspring when listening to the melody and dance learn bad behaviour
Correct word choice
and other
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reasons for side heath
consider dangerous for hearing .
for example
, many offspring when listening
Change preposition
for a
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long time to pieces have problems with hearing .
On the other hand
, many populations oppose
statement for many reasons the most significant is that development would be for science and computers not for tune .
believe the piece period changed the
and relaxed for offspring and a moving way to study hard .
For example
, 50% of students when listening to the
tune in
Add a hyphen
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exams answer correctly. In conclusion,
struggled with the disagreeing idea supporting
statement because its drawbacks outweigh
for instance
believe the subject rock changes the mood of students as well and
consider periods to move to another subject so it leaves me no doubt that
think to disagree with description
Submitted by [email protected] on

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