It is said that studying
on Change preposition
show examples
besideChange preposition
show examples
mainCorrect article usage
show examples
haveCorrect subject-verb agreement
show examples
become prevalent among some university
some of them think drawing all
attentionCorrect pronoun usage
show examples
and focusing all their time on a subject to gain a qualification is more
All science
areCorrect subject-verb agreement
show examples
related to each
othersChange to a singular noun
show examples
, and
for becomingChange preposition
show examples
a great expertsCorrect the article-noun agreement
a great expert
great experts
show examples
, exploring these connections can be necessary
byChange preposition
show examples
a medical
who study the science of medical devices
needCorrect subject-verb agreement
show examples
to learn about
human'sChange noun form
show examples
anatomy, physiology, diseases, wireless technology and
electromagnityCorrect your spelling
to can
or fix these
equipmentsChange the wording
types of equipment
pieces of equipment
show examples
. By drawing attention to
complicationReplace the word
show examples
issue, Some
may tend to
widenedChange the verb
show examples
atChange preposition
show examples
various areas to have a deeper understanding
onChange preposition
show examples
their main
the Correct article usage
show examples
young people are energic and
interestingReplace the word
show examples
in various topics. University can be introduced as
aChange the article
show examples
best place
toChange preposition
show examples
can Verb problem
show examples
nurture their interests
onChange preposition
show examples
itCorrect pronoun usage
show examples
. Where using great and
, and great masters are provided them.
they would be able to satisfy their desires.
, some think the study of other
may create the problem of information overloading and they can become
confuseChange the verb form
show examples
and bored among all of
Add an article
show examples
resultAdd the comma(s)
show examples
they would not be able to continue their main
, they may lose the chance of
takingVerb problem
show examples
a qualification.
, by studying in a
of areas, the time for deeper studying on the main
would be lost. And
studentFix the agreement mistake
show examples
would not be great experts when they enter
to Change preposition
show examples
In conclusion, I believe that knowledge and science
isChange the verb form
show examples
incredibly wide and they overlap
onChange preposition
show examples
each other. It may be necessary for
to study
in Change preposition
show examples
to have a better understanding of the main