Artificial Intelligence will soon replace teachers in the classroom.

 Do you Agree with this statement? What is an alternative to traditional face-to-face teaching?

Due to
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is being
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used in multiple sectors nowadays, and
is believed it will replace instructors in the class.
I disagree with the statement as Machine learning can’t focus on individual preferences,
, online learning can be a substitute
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in person
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teaching method.
 On the one hand, AI is indeed making huge progress in every field,
, it is not possible in
Correct article usage
the teaching
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field for the time being. A Human understands emotions, he can see if a student has any problem understanding the lecture.
For example
Fix the agreement mistake
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can teach each student differently
according to
their learning methods.
, a machine will only focus on one method without focusing on each student’s learning ability.
, a machine cannot maintain
Add an article
the behavior
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in the classroom comparatively. Meanwhile, tutors can use artificial intelligence to adopt different ways to educate.
On the other hand
, E-learning is an
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in person
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teaching. Every university pupil learns mostly from online platforms,
for example
, Udemy, Khan Academy, or Edxcource are great platforms where we can study all the subjects without going to classes. It has many
Change to a plural noun
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of teaching methods, each instructor has their own way of elaborating
Change preposition
on a
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way, students not only can get knowledge but they can choose their own time
according to
their preferences.

To conclude
, Artificial Intelligence can help a tutor in teaching but can’t replace them till it can adopt feelings and understand human
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there are multiple ways of learning without going to school, students can get many benefits from online platforms.
Submitted by MK on

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task achievement
Make sure to expand your points further and provide a more comprehensive response, particularly where you discuss the benefits and limitations of AI and alternatives to traditional teaching. This will demonstrate deeper engagement with the topic.
task achievement
Work on developing clearer, more detailed ideas within each paragraph. This will help convey your points more effectively and add depth to your argument.
coherence cohesion
Ensure your essay has a more logical flow. Sometimes the transitions between ideas can be abrupt. Using transitional phrases and structuring the essay in a clear, logical sequence can improve coherence.
coherence cohesion
Maintain a consistent logical structure throughout. This includes making sure each paragraph focuses on a single main idea that supports your thesis.
coherence cohesion
Your essay has a clear introduction and conclusion, which frames your argument well.
task achievement
You provide relevant specific examples, such as Udemy and Khan Academy, which help to illustrate your points.
Topic Vocabulary:
  • Personalized learning
  • Administrate tasks
  • Customized feedback
  • Virtual reality
  • Immersive experiences
  • Online learning platforms
  • Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs)
  • Blended learning
  • Social learning platforms
  • Community-based learning
  • Peer-to-peer interactions
  • Technological integration
  • Adaptive learning
  • Real-time data analysis
  • Scalable education solutions
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