The charts below show the avarage percentages in typical meals of three types of nutrients, all of which may be unhealthy if eaten too much.

The charts below show the avarage percentages in typical meals of three types of nutrients, all of which may be unhealthy if eaten too much.
The three pie charts illustrate the three types of nutrient ingredients in daily meals and which may affect health if it is taken in excessive amounts. The charts describe the average percentage consumed of each meal in the USA and the units shown in percentages. As a whole, the first
presents sodium, the second one is saturated fat and the third
shows added sugar consumption.
, each
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on breakfast, lunch, dinner and snack times in the daily routine.
, there is a high concentration of sodium and saturated fat in dinner but added sugar levels
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are lower
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in snacks
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. All three ingredients in the same averages within 19% to 30% with minor differences in lunch.
, though the sodium and saturated fat
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Correct subject-verb agreement
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minimum amounts in snacks, it is highly increased in snacks. By the way, all nutrients are consumed in a very
Correct word choice
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percentage in breakfast. In conclusion,
Correct article usage
the chart
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mentioned nutrients no more than 43% consumption in each diet and morning meals poor in nutrients as compared to other meals.
Submitted by amalitharangani0Most of villagers are changing their accommodations from villages to cities all around the world. As a result of this countryside residents are lower than town areas.I think this is a negative development and in this essay, I will elaborate my perspectives furthermore. According to this situation, my take on this is, different of the facilities between the town and the village. As an example, there are lots of shopping centres in the city such as house- hold items, clothes, stationeries, vehicles and so on. Conversely, developed educational centres, schools, hospitals with enough facilities are also at the urban areas. Nevertheless, there are lots of companies and unlimited job opportunities in the city area. Also, mostly there are continuous electricity, gas,water and well planned and punctual transport system as well. So people prefer to live in comfortably and moving to cities as they possible. Additionally, villagers and town people's have same basic need. Such as food, accommodation, education, good health and freedom as well. In some countries there is unavailable electricity in the countryside. Also, there is poor transport system, teachers and facilities at village schools. Moreover, sometimes not enough medications and human resources. So countryside people preferred to move to town. Finally, countryside population decreased and urbanisation in cities. In a nutshell, if there is as usual same facilities all over the city and rural areas,as there is lots of freedom in the countryside . My point of view is around the world this point is most prominent in developing countries. on

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Vocabulary: Replace the words chart with synonyms.
Vocabulary: The word "charts" was used 6 times.
Vocabulary: The word "amounts" was used 2 times.
Vocabulary: The word "percentage" was used 3 times.
Topic Vocabulary:
  • nutrients
  • saturated fats
  • sugars
  • salts
  • unhealthy
  • dietary intake
  • percentage
  • typical meals
  • health risks
  • consumption
  • cultural influences
  • regional dietary habits
  • health consequences
  • balanced diet
  • dietary guidelines
  • moderation
  • healthier alternatives
  • public health campaigns
  • awareness
  • nutritional balance
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